Harvey Weinstein and the Impunity of Powerful Men
Nous vous recommandons de lire en anglais cet article dans le Newyorker dont voici un extrait :
« Since the story finally broke—first in the Times and then in a piece by Ronan Farrow, for this magazine—that Weinstein had buried decades of assault and harassment allegations, with the help of settlements and legal threats, more than fifty women have come forward to accuse him of similar acts. In Farrow’s piece, three women allege that they were raped. (Weinstein has acknowledged misbehavior but denied allegations of non-consensual sex.) The once invulnerable producer has been fired from his own company and abandoned by members of his high-profile legal team; his wife is leaving him; the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has rescinded his membership. The N.Y.P.D. has begun an investigation, and women will continue to come forward: the attorney Gloria Allred, who represents one of Weinstein’s accusers, recently described receiving a “tsunami” of calls from women, many of them speaking through tears. Weinstein has been embarrassed again, this time comprehensively. »
Lire l’article ici
Xavier Baillet
J'aime faire avancer les gens, les idées et la société. J'aime les entreprises utiles et les entrepreneurs passionnés.
J'aime faire exister les idées et les projets qui ont un sens pour les gens.
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